God’s Most Wanted Vacation Bible School 2019

This year’s Vacation Bible School is fast approaching! It is shaping up to be a really Rootin’ Tootin’ good time. Tiffany has been working hard, planning a lot of fun activities for the kiddos.
Sunday, August 4th – Wednesday, August 7th
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Ages 2-12 years
Check out are VBS page for more information and how you can register your youngin’s and/or sign up to volunteer your time or donations. 

Vacation Bible School VBS

Join us at First United Methodist Church, Taylor, for Celebrations! VBS – Vacation Bible School: Crafts, fun and games for ages 2-12yrs. Meals will be served. Older kids are welcome to join us as helpers. Registration is Required! https://www.fumctaylor.org/vacation-bible-school-2018/