Worship Guide 11-1-2020

First In-Person Worship

First In-Person Worship
Sunday, June 28, 2020, 10:30 a.m.
As we gather for our first in-person worship tomorrow, please be aware of several changes found in our newsletter and listed below. Main things to remember: 1. We’re opening for worship only at 10:30 a.m. No Sunday School, Choir or Nursery. 2. Please keep social distancing. No hugs or handshakes. 3. Please wear a mask. 4. Please enter through red doors only facing Lake Drive. 5. High-risk individuals as defined by CDC are encouraged to continue worshipping online. 6. Individuals feeling ill are encouraged to worship online. 7. Ushers will direct you to your seat. There will be limited seating. 
If you do not feel it is safe for you to be out in a public setting, including worship, please continue to worship online. 
Thank you for your cooperation and love your church community and neighbors. 
  1. Opening for Sunday Worship Service only.
  2. No Sunday School.
  3. No Choir.
  4. No Nursery.
  5. Adhere to proper social distancing practices by keeping at least 6 ft. between you and people outside your household. Additionally, keep at least 16 ft between people if singing is involved.
  6. Wear a face mask before entering the church building. If you do not have a mask, the church may provide one for you. Please keep mask on if the covering does not impair your ability to carry out your duties or if it severely impairs your breathing.
  7. Frequently disinfect the facility and cleaning of surfaces in common areas including restrooms, pews, chairs, doorknobs, etc.
  8. Encouraging high-risk individuals, as defined by the CDC, to remain at home and continue worshipping online.
  9. Encouraging individuals exhibiting symptoms of the corona virus to stay at home and worship online.
  10. Encouraging individuals who are feeling sick to stay at home and worship online.
  11. The red doors, at the front of the church, will be the only doors open at this time.
  12. The kitchen area and education wing will be closed.
  13. Door greeters/ushers will open doors and will be wearing masks and gloves. They will hand out disposable bulletins that may be taken with you or thrown in the recycling bin located in the Narthex upon leaving the sanctuary.
  14. Hand sanitizer will be available for your use.
  15. Every other 2 pews will be taped up for social distancing. Limited seating. 
  16. There will be offering stations at the back of the sanctuary for you to place your offering upon entering or leaving.
  17. Attendance will be taken by the ushers. 
  18. Attempts will be made to shorten the worship service.
These guidelines are subject to change. 6/24/20