Thursday, March 2, 2017, Lent Devotion

Day 2: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Carolyn Gautier
Scripture: 1 John 4:16. (NIV) And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them.
Devotion: Whenever the Lenten season is upon us I go back to my childhood. Like most of us, I grew up in a Christian home that followed a church calendar that observed Lent.
In my church it was popular to abstain from something during Lent. As children, my class mates and I would come up with some doozies. Eating vegetables topped the list. Also doing homework, bathing, wearing long pants in the snow.
I remember one friend, Gretchen, who wore shorts under her school uniform. Keep in mind this was in Chicago where this year on Feb. 23 it is 39 F. When asked by the teacher why she didn’t dress warmer she replied “Aim to be different, aim to be Christ-like”. This phrase was part of our religious education.
I thought Gretchen was brave and defiant, traits I still admire. It is difficult for a child to go against peer pressure and act differently.
I got home from school and mother asked me what I was giving up for Lent. Doing homework came to mind. Mom and I talked about this sacrifice (LOL) and she said I should reconsider. I went blank. My family only had soda during a flu epidemic. Candy and other treats were seldom in the house and had to be shared with siblings.
My mother then suggested don’t give up anything. Instead, add something that would please God. The list became so much easier. All this brings me to the above passage from John.
Listed at age 10
1. Love your siblings. Help with homework. Read a story
2. Love your teachers.
3. Love your friends.
4. Love people around the world. Give money to missions.
5. Love God.
6. Be kind.
Prayer: Dear God, Let us remember to love each other as you have loved us. Amen

Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017, Devotion

Day 1: Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Don Hughes
10 Ideas for a Meaningful Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is an important day in the church calendar. It marks the beginning of Lent, a season of preparation for the celebration of Easter. Below are ideas for a meaningful Ash Wednesday.
1. Worship services on Ash Wednesday, a time of prayer, singing, confession and pardon, a sermon, and the imposition of ashes.
2. Serve on Ash Wednesday. We are part of the human family, making it a great day to serve others.
3. Give to your congregation and other organizations that serve others. Generosity can also be creative.
4. Abstain/fast. Giving something up for Lent is a common practice for many Christians. We give up a favorite food or try to kick a bad habit. Don’t confine to food or habits.
5. Pray your day. Rather than setting aside special time for prayer, pray your day. Pray for drivers and fellow passengers. Pray for people in hospitals and police stations. Offer prayers throughout the day thanking God for our coworkers.
6. Make something, making today a great day to create something. Get back in the workshop. Sit at a piano and let the music flow. Take out the paints and create a work of art. As you create, remember our Creator who longs to be in relationship with you.
7. Be still, others find meaning in stillness. Light a candle and pause before the presence of God. Enjoy a cup of coffee on your deck. Listen for the voice of God.
8. Clean something. Ash Wednesday is a good day to start spring cleaning. As you remove things you no longer need and reorder those you do, be mindful of the ways God cleanses us. The Bible tells us “As far as east from west – that’s how far God has removed our sin from us” (Psalm 103:12). We remember that Jesus gave his life so we might be free from our sins and know new life.
9. Burn something, when you finish cleaning, take some paper you no longer need and light them, watch them burn to ashes. The ashes our pastor smudge on us during Ash Wednesday worship comes from the burning of last year’s Palm Sunday palms. They remind us of our mortality and call us to repentance – seeking God’s forgiveness for our sins both for the things we have done and not done.
10. Forgive and seek forgiveness. As we pray for God’s grace, we should also seek forgiveness from those we have wronged. Ash Wednesday is a great time to go to those you have hurt. It is a wonderful day to forgive another. Jesus taught us to pray, forgive us for the ways we have wronged you just as we also forgive those who have wronged us (Matthew 5:12).


An Ash Wednesday Prayer for Meditation

Eternal and merciful God, we praise you for your unwavering goodness to us all;
For mercies that fall like rain on the just and the unjust;
For words that find us in our seasons of not-knowing;
For songs your love has taught our hearts to sing;
For coincidental happenings which, viewed in retrospect, speak of your gentle leading and loving care;
For good memories and true hopes, and every thought of you.

We find it hard to pray. Well-clothed, well-fed, well-housed, well-served by gadgets and conveniences, what do we lack in our daily life? Show us, in this season of Lent, our poverty of spirit and the leanness of our souls;
Give us the will to search out new definitions of self-denial; Teach us, untaught hearts, to love with a love that reflects and embodies your love;

Expose our timidity and unbelief that live behind our craving for security;
Give us – in these days – to know, as we have not yet known, Jesus Christ, in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his struggle in life and suffering.

These mercies we seek in faith, and with thanksgiving, in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen


Ash Wednesday

An additional Ash Wednesday Service has been added.

First United Methodist Church of Taylor will hold an additional Ash Wednesday Service at 11:30 a.m., tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The evening service will be at 7:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you at one of them.

Happy Ash Wednesday!

Ash Wednesday Service

An additional Ash Wednesday Service has been added.

First United Methodist Church of Taylor will hold an additional Ash Wednesday Service at 11:30 a.m., tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The evening service will be at 7:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you at one of them.

Happy Ash Wednesday!

Member Spotlight, Don Hughes

Don Hughes
Member Spotlight

February 26, 2017

Don Hughes, Donald Jay Hughes to be precise, is probably the first person you meet when you come to Taylor FUMC.  His smiling face is there every Sunday as the usher for our services.  He sits on the back row, which he and the other faithful laughingly call “Sinner’s Row.”  From that alone you can tell the merry twinkle in his eyes stems from a great sense of humor.

Don likes nothing better than help people.  He had a beloved aunt who was in a wheelchair.  He would pick her up and bring her to church.   He has helped several others in the same way.  He remembers enjoying singing with his aunt their favorite hymn: “How Great Thou Art.”  And his other favorite hymn is “In the Garden”.    

Don loves Taylor FUMC, having attended since childhood and during the time the church worshipped in the old building on Fifth Street.  “It seems like a close-knit group,” he says.  He likes the get-togethers and the events where people work together.  He fondly remembers Vacation Bible School from the old church, as well as MYF when the youth would play the Baptists in different games.

Don was born in Taylor, Texas, although his family farmed in Beyersville some eight miles away.  His middle name, Jay, was after the doctor that delivered him.  Later, during the depression, the family moved to Taylor.  He has an older sister, Florean, who lives in Tomball, and had an older brother who passed away before Don was born.

Don’s family is very important to him and in fact it’s kind of hard to get him to talk about anything else.  He has three daughters, Brenda and Donna both live in Hutto, and Kimberly who lives in Taylor.  Don’s wife, Bonnie, passed away in 2001.  Bonnie had four children by a previous marriage, and Don is still close to them.  Then, there’s the grandkids.  Each daughter has two children.  The grandchildren’s professions range from high school coach to police dispatcher.

Family times included a lot of fishing and camping.  He would help the girls learn to bait the hooks.  He also went camping with his cousins.  Once, after a flood, they were swimming in the river and they stepped on a dead cow.  Everyone was scared, and they all jumped out.  It’s a story that everyone remembers to this day. 

Don served in the Air Force for 25 years, having enlisted in 1955.  While stationed at the F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming, he attended technical school, and later became an instructor.  His specialty was supply and distribution.  He served at numerous bases in the US, and did tours in Viet Nam, France, French Morocco and England.  In England, his daughters lived on base with him and Bonnie, and they especially loved him being in the Air Force because they got to travel all over Europe.  Don remembers helping coach the softball teams which went to different bases to compete.

After retiring from the Air Force, Don and his family came back to Taylor.  For many years, he worked at Westinghouse and Intercraft.  He and Bonnie had planned to go traveling when he retired, but she came down with lymphatic cancer and passed away before they had the chance.  If he had the chance now, he would love to go to the Grand Canyon and to Niagara Falls.

Be sure to give Don an extra hug when you see him for all of the loving kindness he brings to our church!

Written by Robin McKinley

Challenge: Love Your Neighbor

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Challenge: Love God

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How are we putting this first command into practice? 

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Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday!
This Sunday, February 5, 2017, you may wear your favorite Dallas Cowboys jersey to worship! Oops, I mean you may wear your favorite team’s jersey to church!