Good Friday Worship
Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 15, 2022 at 6:30 PM
at Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
516 Elliot Street, Taylor, Texas 76574
Combined service with
Tenth Street United Methodist Church
and Thrall United Methodist Church
Maundy Thursday Worship
Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM
at First United Methodist Church of Taylor
Combined service with
Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Tenth Street United Methodist Church
and Thrall United Methodist Church
Palm Sunday Worship and Fellowship Luncheon
Palm Sunday Worship
10:30 AM on Sunday, April 10, 2022
worship followed by a luncheon in the Fellowship Hall
Spring Break Bible Day Camp
Calling All Children!!!
Join us on Tuesday morning, March 15th
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Ages 2 – 12
Bible story, crafts, music, and games
email: to reserve a spot today!
An Evening of Yoga
Join us for an evening of Yoga in the
Fellowship Hall.
Fellowship Hall.
Mondays @ 6:30 PM
Bring your own mat.
You can also do chair yoga.
There is no charge for our gathering; however, you are welcome to give a love offering
Bring your own mat.
You can also do chair yoga.
There is no charge for our gathering; however, you are welcome to give a love offering
to our teacher, Elizabeth Slone.
Brunch, Brew and Bible
You are invited!
Sunday Worship
10:30 A.M.
Brunch, Brew and Bible
After Sunday Morning Worship
11:45 A.M.
for the Lenten Season
Be our Guest! Brunch is on Us for non-church members!
March 6 — Lucky Duck on 4th Street
March 13 — Lucky Duck on 4th Street
March 20 — TBD
March 27 — TBD
April 3 — TBD
April 10 — Church Fellowship Hall
Brunch, Brew and Bible
You are invited!
Sunday Worship
10:30 A.M.
Brunch, Brew and Bible
After Sunday Morning Worship
11:45 A.M.
for the Lenten Season
Be our Guest! Brunch is on Us for non-church members!
March 6 — Lucky Duck on 4th Street
March 13 — TBD
March 20 — TBD
March 27 — TBD
April 3 — TBD
April 10 — Church Fellowship Hall
Ashes to Go
Ashes to Go
Ash Wednesday
March 2, 2022
7:45 A.M. to 8:30 A.M.
12:00 to 12:30 P.M.
First United Methodist Church
Sanctuary Narthex
907 W. Lake Drive, Taylor, Texas 76574
(Ash Wednesday Service @ 6:30 P.M. @ Tenth Street UMC)
Chicken Fried Chicken Dinner
Chicken Fried Chicken Dinner
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
5:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Tickets are $12
Meal includes chicken fried chicken, green beans, and mac ‘n cheese
Dessert by donation
Pick up only
(Meals prepared by Chris Kelm)
5:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Tickets are $12
Meal includes chicken fried chicken, green beans, and mac ‘n cheese
Dessert by donation
Pick up only
(Meals prepared by Chris Kelm)
Pick up your tickets at the church office to sell and/or purchase!
Shepherd’s Heart Food Pantry
Shepherd’s Heart Food Pantry
FUMC will serve at Shepherd’s Heart on Saturday, March 5 from 7:30 until 10:30 AM.
CLICK HERE to sign up and help with this important mission of the church for the Taylor Community.
Also, bring your shelf-stable food donations to the church by Thursday, March 3rd.
CLICK HERE to sign up and help with this important mission of the church for the Taylor Community.
Also, bring your shelf-stable food donations to the church by Thursday, March 3rd.