Worship Guide 1-3-2021

Worship Guide 9/27/2020

Youth Lock-In 2020!

Youth Lock-In
Friday, January 3, 2020, 7:00 P.M. – Saturday, January 4, 2020, 7:00 A.M.
Please register your youth or register to volunteer here!
Happy New Year! 

Christmas Caroling

Let’s Go Caroling!
Sunday, December 22, 2019
1:15 p.m.
Meet at church at 1:15 p.m. to carpool and go caroling.
Thank you for taking Good News of great joy to those living in nursing homes and assisted living,
reminding all of Emmanuel. God is with us! 

Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight
Anne Barr
September 2019
by Robin McKinley
When you walk up to Anne Barr’s house, you automatically realize that an artistic “doer” lives here.  Despite the 100° September heat, roses gleefully bloom, green vigorous garden areas nestle the house, and neat paths lead you up to the door.  A whimsical cart overflows with blooms.
Anne confesses that she even considered art as a profession, but realized she is more of a doer than a visionary.  Instead she got her degree in mechanical engineering.  Now, Anne expresses her artistic side in her gardening.  She is a Master Gardener from Milam County.  She also got her Master Naturalist, but she couldn’t do both so she focused on the Master Gardner program.  As a part of that she went on Master Gardener cruises to Alaska and Paris.
With her degree in ME, and her husband, Gary’s, degree in electrical engineering, and their gardening and artistic abilities to boot, they have created an oasis from the bare ground in just one short year. 
Anne and Gary moved to Taylor to downsize and to be closer to Austin but not in it.  Before Taylor, they lived for 12 years between Thorndale and Rockdale, near the community of Salty.  They had a spectacular house and garden there.
Anne was born and raised in Austin.  She came by her artistic and gardening skills honestly, inheriting them from her homemaker mother.  Her mother always used to say that Anne would be a lawyer because she never stopped asking questions.  Her mother missed the mark on the field, but she was right that Anne would always be asking questions – just as an engineer instead of a lawyer.  Her engineering proclivities came from her father who was a professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas (UT).  She had two sisters, nine and ten years older than her, who majored in Art and Sociology at UT.
Anne got married to her first husband right out of high school and she got pregnant 4 months later.  Being in the military, her husband was shipped out to Japan soon after and her daughter was born while he was gone.  Anne took Deborah everywhere with her and shared her with everyone.  Luckily, that meant that Deborah wasn’t dismayed when a man she didn’t recognize arrived home from Japan.  Deborah grew up to be a bookkeeper, and she lives in Tyler where now she works for a mobility company (they provide various means to assist people who are mobility challenged from wheelchair to tub to vans.).  Deborah’s husband passed away last Thanksgiving.
Her second daughter is Marcy who lives in Cedar Park.  She also married right out of high school and has 4 children from two marriages.  She also followed in her mother’s footsteps by earning two certificates in bioengineering and now works for a small company that does cultures for stem cell research.
Her third daughter, Beth, is a software “wienie”, according to Anne.  Beth is a technical manager for a small company that does tech support for POS (point of sale) software.  She has 3 children and also lives in Cedar Park.
Family is an important part of Anne and Gary’s lives.  Anne has 3 daughters, 8 grandchildren, 4 greats, and Gary has 4 children, 6 granddaughters and 9 greats.
After marrying her first husband, Anne went to Nixon-Clay business school but didn’t continue when she discovered she was pregnant, and he was shipped out to Japan.  After he returned home but still was in the service, she completed 2 years of college in engineering at UT, and math, including one year toward teaching. 
When her husband left the military, Anne went back to working full-time to support him while he went to school.  She got a position at Southwestern Bell Telephone doing drafting.  She had printed her application, and when she went to interview, they asked her if she wanted to do drafting.  She agreed and that began many years work doing drafting for various companies. 
She worked for Tracor as a draftsman.  Tracor was a consulting company specializing in government contracts for countermeasures to protect aircraft from enemy missiles.
Then when the job market got tight, she left the company to free up a position for others who needed the job worse than she did, and went to work for the Chair of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas for 2-3 years.  During this time, she sometimes worked part-time, sometimes half-time, and sometimes full-time.  Little by little she also continued working on her degree in Mechanical Engineering.  It took Anne 20 years to complete her degree.  She laughs and says, “I was a slow learner.”  But somehow you don’t get the idea that is really true.  Between supporting her family and raising her girls, study obviously had to take second and third place. 
After she graduated, she went back to work for Tracor.  By this time, Gary was also working at Tracor, and he had a strict “no dating colleagues at work” policy.  Gary had gotten divorced two years earlier, and it was a challenging divorce.  Anne offered for him to give her a call if he needed to talk.  One evening, he came over to talk and even though they didn’t date, a relationship was beginning. 
Sometime later, Anne got an offer to go to work for OIME (Oil Industry Manufacturing Engineering), which was part of Parker Drilling out of Midland.  She left Tracor, and then she and Gary were married. 
After a while, her boss from Tracor kept calling her and wanting her to come back, so eventually she did.  At Tracor she was on the presentation design team, and often had to speak to large audiences about the projects they were developing.  Because the technologies were so new, not many people knew much about them.  To keep the jitters at bay, her boss would remind her that “you know more about this than anyone else in this room does.”
Anne worked for several other companies, including teaching at ACC and UT, and at Wayne Dresser working on a project designing the at-the-time emerging “pay at the pump”.  Anne and Gary started a consulting firm combining their skills to serve many clients.  Anne also worked at Applied Materials which she really loved.  “It was a place where you could feel the excitement,” Anne said.  The company built the wafers that were needed to build computer chips.  Anne got to travel to Japan with this position.  Working abroad was challenging but fun.
Anne loved best that wherever she was employed the work was never the same: all different kinds of jobs, all different products.  She had travel opportunities to meet lots of neat people and do exciting work. 
For vacations, she and Gary also loved to travel, including to England, Scotland, Wales, Hawaii, Tahiti, Paris, Normandy, Japan, Bahamas, and Mexico.  The most fun she ever had was vacations to Hawaii.  She loves the seashore and the mountains and the people and the food especially fresh fish.  She caught a Mahi once, and though it was a lot of work bringing it in, she finally did it and nothing ever tasted better.
Anne and Gary joined Taylor First United Methodist Church this spring. Anne was raised Methodist, and she was baptized at Hyde Park United Methodist church in Austin. 
She is impressed with the friendliness of Taylor FUMC.  She was greeted most warmly by everybody she says.  She enjoys Sela’s sermons and likes that Sela practices what she preaches.  Anne and Gary regularly attend Beer and Bible.  They also enjoyed helping out at Midnight Basketball and at the Garage sale.
Her favorite hymn depends on her mood but she is fond of “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder, I’ll Be There.”  One day recently, she woke up with the doxology going through her head.  What a great way to wake up!
Be sure to trade stories with Anne and welcome her to our Taylor flock!

Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday
April 21, 2019
Breakfast 8:30 A.M.
Easter Egg Hunt 9:30 A.M.
Worship Service 10:30 A.M.

Youth Lock-in

Youth Lock-in is Friday, January 4, 2019, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Please register below.
No Fields Found.

Maundy / Holy Thursday Worship Service

Maundy / Holy Thursday Worship Service
Thursday, March 29, 2018
7:00 P.M.
Combined with Tenth Street UMC @
Tenth Street United Methodist Church
410 W 10th Street, Taylor, Texas 76574

Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017, Devotion

Day 1: Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Don Hughes
10 Ideas for a Meaningful Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is an important day in the church calendar. It marks the beginning of Lent, a season of preparation for the celebration of Easter. Below are ideas for a meaningful Ash Wednesday.
1. Worship services on Ash Wednesday, a time of prayer, singing, confession and pardon, a sermon, and the imposition of ashes.
2. Serve on Ash Wednesday. We are part of the human family, making it a great day to serve others.
3. Give to your congregation and other organizations that serve others. Generosity can also be creative.
4. Abstain/fast. Giving something up for Lent is a common practice for many Christians. We give up a favorite food or try to kick a bad habit. Don’t confine to food or habits.
5. Pray your day. Rather than setting aside special time for prayer, pray your day. Pray for drivers and fellow passengers. Pray for people in hospitals and police stations. Offer prayers throughout the day thanking God for our coworkers.
6. Make something, making today a great day to create something. Get back in the workshop. Sit at a piano and let the music flow. Take out the paints and create a work of art. As you create, remember our Creator who longs to be in relationship with you.
7. Be still, others find meaning in stillness. Light a candle and pause before the presence of God. Enjoy a cup of coffee on your deck. Listen for the voice of God.
8. Clean something. Ash Wednesday is a good day to start spring cleaning. As you remove things you no longer need and reorder those you do, be mindful of the ways God cleanses us. The Bible tells us “As far as east from west – that’s how far God has removed our sin from us” (Psalm 103:12). We remember that Jesus gave his life so we might be free from our sins and know new life.
9. Burn something, when you finish cleaning, take some paper you no longer need and light them, watch them burn to ashes. The ashes our pastor smudge on us during Ash Wednesday worship comes from the burning of last year’s Palm Sunday palms. They remind us of our mortality and call us to repentance – seeking God’s forgiveness for our sins both for the things we have done and not done.
10. Forgive and seek forgiveness. As we pray for God’s grace, we should also seek forgiveness from those we have wronged. Ash Wednesday is a great time to go to those you have hurt. It is a wonderful day to forgive another. Jesus taught us to pray, forgive us for the ways we have wronged you just as we also forgive those who have wronged us (Matthew 5:12).


An Ash Wednesday Prayer for Meditation

Eternal and merciful God, we praise you for your unwavering goodness to us all;
For mercies that fall like rain on the just and the unjust;
For words that find us in our seasons of not-knowing;
For songs your love has taught our hearts to sing;
For coincidental happenings which, viewed in retrospect, speak of your gentle leading and loving care;
For good memories and true hopes, and every thought of you.

We find it hard to pray. Well-clothed, well-fed, well-housed, well-served by gadgets and conveniences, what do we lack in our daily life? Show us, in this season of Lent, our poverty of spirit and the leanness of our souls;
Give us the will to search out new definitions of self-denial; Teach us, untaught hearts, to love with a love that reflects and embodies your love;

Expose our timidity and unbelief that live behind our craving for security;
Give us – in these days – to know, as we have not yet known, Jesus Christ, in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his struggle in life and suffering.

These mercies we seek in faith, and with thanksgiving, in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen


Ash Wednesday Service

An additional Ash Wednesday Service has been added.

First United Methodist Church of Taylor will hold an additional Ash Wednesday Service at 11:30 a.m., tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The evening service will be at 7:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you at one of them.

Happy Ash Wednesday!