Day 39: Good Friday, April 14, 2017
A Good Friday Prayer for Meditation
We praise and thank you, Lord, for the gift of yourself on the cross. On this somber day of remembrance, as we contemplate Christ’s suffering for us, help us find meaning in the wounds we endure and in the travails of the world you created. You have called us to accept our common mortality, and to serve one another in love, keep us firm in our faith as we are called to suffer for others. You have called us to keep telling the story of your salvation in the unjust and violent world we live in, help us see past the limits of our vision to your limitless love, which transcends death. In the prophecies, gospel stories, and witness of scripture may we always find consolation and hope, never faltering in our certainty that you are the God of a kingdom of justice and the author of everlasting life. Amen.